What is Adrenal Fatigue?  DR Lam

What is Adrenal Fatigue? DR Lam

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Did you know that excessive fatigue and lack of energy is the number one cause of visits to a doctor’s office? The conventional medical solution is to have you relax, take a combination of prescriptions and hope the symptoms go away.

This symptom-patching approach seldom works because the root causes are masked and left to deteriorate. This can lead to a condition known as Adrenal Fatigue, where the body’s main stress control and fatigue regulation center — the adrenal glands — become tired and unable to perform their job optimally.

  Vaccinations and Adrenal Fatigue

Why can’t most doctors figure it out? The short answer is they’re not trained to. Conventional tests and labs are often normal, and because symptoms aren’t specific, doctors often don’t find the true cause in the few short minutes you have for a normal office visit. Most sufferers are told all is well.

This cannot be farther from the truth because symptoms can be severe and debilitating. Common symptoms include:

Needing to eat or snack frequently to avoid fatigue, irritation
Salt craving
Low blood pressure
Being wired and tired at night, with difficulty falling asleep and frequent awakening
Heart pounding and palpitations
Multiple chemical and food sensitivities
Paradoxical reactions to medications and supplements
Weight gain, especially around the waist — This weight is almost impossible to lose!
Reduced sex drive and libido, with excessive fatigue after intercourse
Brain fog, with difficulty concentrating and remembering things
Lack of energy in the mornings and mid-afternoon
Migrating pain for no reason
Inability to handle stressful situations
Anxiety, panic attacks, dizziness, and easily startled
Inability to tolerate heat or temperature fluctuation
Reduce exercise capacity and breathlessness on exertion like going up a flight of steps
These are just some of the more than 75 signs and symptoms that can present. If you have any or all of these signs and symptoms and can’t figure out what’s wrong, it’s time to consider adrenal fatigue as a possible cause if your doctor cannot find the cause.

Adrenal fatigue is not taught in most medical school curriculums, as such, most conventionally trained physicians are ignorant of this. Instead, conventional doctors will look towards more conventional diagnosis such as hypothyroidism or depression to explain the symptoms that you are experiencing. In doing so, you may be started on prescriptions medications that you did not need, a very common mistake that is often made.

But My Lab Results are Normal…
Another common reason that allopathic physicians reject adrenal fatigue is that routine or specialized blood laboratory results often come back normal or borderline. Therein lies one of the key differences in naturally oriented physician and conventional medicine. Naturally oriented doctors place a greater emphasis on clinical presentation and the history of the person. Astute clinical observations paired with soft laboratory test are the key foundations of proper assessment.

Conventional medicine’s ignorance tends to lead to an over-reliance on testing instead of clinical presentation. Just because test results do not meet the requisite requirements of a pathological disease state, sufferers are told they are in good health, and nothing is wrong.

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